Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Don't Want to Talk About it

Here is a little rant. I hope you will forgive me for this, but I just have to say that I really don't want to talk about it. I know that it is selfish and self-centered, but I just want some lighthearted conversation for at least a week. Below is my list of things I don't want to talk about.

1. My house
2. My diet
3. Your kids and how wonderful/talented/gifted/special they are. I'm sick of it.
4. The fact that I am getting a dog and the timing couldn't be worse.
5. School
6. Homework
7. Finances
8. My husband's job
9. My brother-in-law's job.
10. ANY job.
11. Who's sick and what have they got? (really sends me on the anxiety train)

I think that about covers it. I will talk about the weather and I think that's about it. I am in a rut. I find everything depressing and so until further notice, I am going to stick to light conversation and probably discuss at length with anyone who will listen the change in seasons (but not GLOBAL WARMING).

I am off now to watch "Twitches Too" (Disney Channel sequel to the original Twitches movie) with my husband and children. I hope to have a glass of wine, wear my favorite pj's and go to bed early. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will be in a better mood. Bye for now.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Selling the House

Yes, I am trying to sell my house and it sucks. I know that is not a nice word, but I really don't know how else to describe what is a very painful process. My house has been on the market for a year!!! I have two children (three if you count their father) and it is tough keeping everything looking good. I am soooooo tired of all the rejections. I'm tired of trying hard and no one wanting to look a second time. I'm tired of no offers and nonsense low-ball offers. I am just tired of it. I realize that I should be thankful that I am just trying to sell my house and that it's not something fatal (really - thank goodness, knock on wood, etc.)... I am trying to be positive for the children, but it sucks. I feel like a moaner and a whiner all the time and that's not fun to be around. If someone, anyone, would just buy my house so we can start over it would be so great. I never thought that at 45 years old this would be happening to us. I really thought that by the time you are 45, everything would be in place and you would be planning your retirement. I wasn't ready for this stress ball that it my life these days. I keep trying to figure out what this life lesson is. I keep telling the higher powers that I am learning, that I am grateful for what I have and as long as my family is together the other stuff is not important. I get it... so why can't it be over yet?

Today some people came to look at the house and I have resorted to superstition. Yes, I gave my spouse a gargoyle years ago and he has it in his office. I was trying to sleep last night and my mind wandered to the gargoyle. I thought... I think I got him that the Christmas before his company decided to "restructure". That can't be a good. So, first thing this morning, the gargoyle was out the door and off the property. Hopefully, we will get an offer and be done with it. (The gargoyle will be on the way to the dump.) If it doesn't work, well the "lucky" bamboo better watch out because it's next!!!!

One last thing - why does stress love food?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

OK... so what is with dieting? I just don't understand why some people don't think about food all the time. I don't know why they are considered normal and I may be considered, well, obsessed!! I think that if you don't think about what, where and when your next meal will be that you are crazy. I know, I'm a bit extreme and from this entry you might think I am 1,000 pounds, but I'm not. I'm a fairly attractive plus size person who lives in a town of women who think that crackers for lunch with a lettuce leaf and MAYBE a teeny scoop of tuna (disgusting) is a good lunch... so good that maybe they should skip dinner and be sure to jog an extra three miles tomorrow. I am sure that is why they look like they do and I look like I do. I just wish they could experience the excitement of thinking "where will we go to dinner this weekend?" and thinking "what will I have" and how great it will be. Oh well, their loss!!!

I want to be one of those naturally thin people... they are out there... that don't really care about food. Can you imagine? Obviously, that's not happening to me, so... off to WW I go. AGAIN. I will let you know how I progress. I have lost 30 lbs since January, but am up about 5. I would like to lose 30 more... we'll see. I am off to the races again!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hi - I am new to blogging, but my sister insisted I start one. I am hoping to find an outlet for my many "issues"... some funny, some serious. I guess we'll see how this goes as I get used to blogging. Good bye for now, must make sure the kids get in bed!! Much more later.