Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Don't Want to Talk About it

Here is a little rant. I hope you will forgive me for this, but I just have to say that I really don't want to talk about it. I know that it is selfish and self-centered, but I just want some lighthearted conversation for at least a week. Below is my list of things I don't want to talk about.

1. My house
2. My diet
3. Your kids and how wonderful/talented/gifted/special they are. I'm sick of it.
4. The fact that I am getting a dog and the timing couldn't be worse.
5. School
6. Homework
7. Finances
8. My husband's job
9. My brother-in-law's job.
10. ANY job.
11. Who's sick and what have they got? (really sends me on the anxiety train)

I think that about covers it. I will talk about the weather and I think that's about it. I am in a rut. I find everything depressing and so until further notice, I am going to stick to light conversation and probably discuss at length with anyone who will listen the change in seasons (but not GLOBAL WARMING).

I am off now to watch "Twitches Too" (Disney Channel sequel to the original Twitches movie) with my husband and children. I hope to have a glass of wine, wear my favorite pj's and go to bed early. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will be in a better mood. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

I hope you're feeling all better after a glass of wine and Twitches Too. I love you.